7th Bob Johnston Memorial Photography Show & Competition
Friday, January 5th - Saturday, January 27th 2018
Open to all Photographers
“Gioia con Bolles di Sapone” Best of Show by Richard Lee
“Le Luce” one of four Judge’s Choice by Greg Chianis
An open-theme showcase of our area’s best photography, co-sponsored by Cooperative Gallery 213 and Two Rivers Photography Club. Awards for Best of Show, two Judge’s Choice each in Black and White and Color, and several Honorable Mentions.
Cooperative Gallery 213 213 State Street Binghamton, NY 13901 Directions
(607) 724-3462 cooperativegallery213@gmail.com
Gallery hours First Fridays 5-9 p.m. Other Fridays 5-8 p.m. Saturdays 11-3 p.m