
Friday, March 1st - Saturday, March 23rd 2024
Emily O'Reilly
Gabe Morton-Cook

The debut shared-solo shows for two of the gallery’s newest members, this show features contrasting approaches to landscape abstraction: the muted, atmospheric work of Emily O’Reilly, and the bold geometric approach of Gabe Morton-Cook.

From ashes… Beauty
48″ x 48″

It started with a storm of life that turned into a therapeutic challenge and it became the fuel I needed to dream and breathe life into a dusty corner of my soul. Losing a loved one to cancer hits a depth within you that you never knew existed; but, I exchanged beauty for ashes in my painting.

I’ve been painting in only 3 colors : black, white and gold (iridescent bronze). The combination of what I’ve been able to create with such a limited palate astounds me. These colors, to me, represent beauty from ashes.

– Emily O’Reilly
Vanishing Point
24″ x 36″

This collection features several paintings completed in the last year or two. All are tied together visually by a simple horizontal line, reminiscent of a distant view to a place where earth meets sky. As a collection, they may represent a series of such views experienced over time and place.

– Gabe Morton-Cook